Message from R.W. the Regional Grand Master

I am very glad that the Brethren of Shillong have taken up the challenge and have volunteered to hold the Half Yearly Meeting for the year 2024. On behalf of the Brethren of Shillong I invite Brethren from all centres of our Region and Brethren of other Regions of our Grand Lodge as well as M. W. the Grand Master with his Deputation of Officers to attend the Half Yearly meeting of the RGLEI on 31st August 2024.
Shillong is well known as is a cosmopolitan town with a rich colonial heritage and a vibrant culture, a place where every festival is celebrated with zest and travellers will stumble across cuisines from across the country and the world. While there are many places of attraction to visit in Shillong, there are many places in the vicinity of Shillong including Cherrapunji and other places of tourism.
A detailed programme is given in the brochure for all the Brethren who intend to attend the Half Yearly at Shillong. My thanks the Brethren of Shillong in taking up this challenge of hosting the meeting. My best wishes to you and your family and look forward to meeting you at Shillong.

R.W.Bro.Pervez Sherosh Kaikobad
Regional Grand Master

Message from the Worshipful Master, Shillong Lodge 61, GLI

A Greeting from the Worshipful Master, Shillong Lodge 61 Esteemed Brethren, In the annals of Freemasonry, where the pillars of tradition and enlightenment stand tall, Shillong Lodge 61 emerges as a beacon of timeless wisdom and camaraderie. With roots dating back to its inception in 1902, our Lodge stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of Brotherhood and the pursuit of Masonic Light.
As the custodians of this sacred legacy, it is with great honor and privilege that we extend our heartfelt invitation to you, dear Brethren, to join us for the Half Yearly Meeting of the Regional Grand Lodge of Eastern India on the 31st of August, 2024.
Nestled amidst the verdant hills of Meghalaya, Shillong beckons with its enchanting allure and mystique. Here, where the whispering pines dance to the tune of the gentle breeze, and the rolling hills echo with the songs of yore, we invite you to immerse yourself in the timeless embrace of our Craft.
As you traverse the corridors of our historic Lodge, founded over a century ago, let the echoes of our forebears guide you on a journey of introspection and enlightenment. Within these hallowed walls, where the embers of Masonic tradition burn bright, let us together kindle the flame of fellowship and camaraderie, illuminating the path for generations yet to come.
Shillong Lodge 61, with its rich tapestry of history and heritage, stands as a testament to the enduring principles of Freemasonry. From its humble beginnings to its present stature, our Lodge has been a bastion of light in an ever-changing world, upholding the values of brotherhood, integrity, and service to humanity.
As we gather for this auspicious occasion, let us reflect on the timeless teachings of our Craft and the profound impact it has had on our lives. Through the bonds forged in friendship and the pursuit of knowledge, may we continue to uphold the noble tenets of Freemasonry, spreading its light to every corner of the earth.
Brethren, join us in Shillong, where the echoes of our past mingle with the promise of a brighter future. Together, let us write the next chapter in the storied history of our beloved Lodge, forging bonds that transcend time and space

Fraternally yours,
W.Bro. Donkupar War
Worshipful Master
Shillong Lodge 61, GLI