1 |
001 - Anchor & Hope |
Kolkata |
21-01-2025(3rd tue)
18-02-2025(3rd tue)
18-03-2025(3rd tue) |
15-04-2025(3rd tue) |
20-05-2025(3rd tue) |
17-06-2025(3rd tue) |
15-07-2025(3rd tue) |
19-08-2025(3rd tue) |
16-09-2025(3rd tue) |
18-11-2025(3rd tue) |
16-12-2025(3rd tue) |
2 |
003 - Courage With Humanity |
Kolkata |
18-01-2025(3rd sat)
15-02-2025(3rd sat)
15-03-2025(3rd sat) |
19-04-2025(3rd sat) |
21-06-2025(3rd sat) |
19-07-2025(3rd sat) |
16-08-2025(3rd sat) |
20-09-2025(3rd sat) |
15-11-2025(3rd sat) |
20-12-2025(3rd sat) |
3 |
011 - St. David in the East |
Kolkata |
11-01-2025(2nd sat)
08-02-2025(2nd sat)
08-03-2025(2nd sat) |
12-04-2025(2nd sat) |
10-05-2025(2nd sat) |
14-06-2025(2nd sat) |
12-07-2025(2nd sat) |
09-08-2025(2nd sat) |
13-09-2025(2nd sat) |
08-11-2025(2nd sat) |
13-12-2025(2nd sat) |
4 |
012 - St. Thomas in the East |
Kolkata |
18-01-2025(3rd sat)
15-02-2025(3rd sat)
15-03-2025(3rd sat) |
19-04-2025(3rd sat) |
21-06-2025(3rd sat) |
19-07-2025(3rd sat) |
16-08-2025(3rd sat) |
20-09-2025(3rd sat) |
15-11-2025(3rd sat) |
20-12-2025(3rd sat) |
5 |
013 - Ajodhya On Sarju |
Faridabad |
04-01-2025(1st sat)
01-02-2025(1st sat)
01-03-2025(1st sat) |
05-04-2025(1st sat) |
03-05-2025(1st sat) |
07-06-2025(1st sat) |
05-07-2025(1st sat) |
02-08-2025(1st sat) |
06-09-2025(1st sat) |
04-10-2025(1st sat) |
01-11-2025(1st sat) |
06-12-2025(1st sat) |
6 |
031 - Fraternity & Perseverance |
Varanasi |
24-01-2025(4th fri)
28-02-2025(4th fri)
28-03-2025(4th fri) |
25-04-2025(4th fri) |
23-05-2025(4th fri) |
27-06-2025(4th fri) |
25-07-2025(4th fri) |
22-08-2025(4th fri) |
26-09-2025(4th fri) |
24-10-2025(4th fri) |
28-11-2025(4th fri) |
26-12-2025(4th fri) |
7 |
038 - Nipal |
Gorakhpur |
02-01-2025(1st thu)
06-02-2025(1st thu)
06-03-2025(1st thu) |
03-04-2025(1st thu) |
01-05-2025(1st thu) |
05-06-2025(1st thu) |
03-07-2025(1st thu) |
07-08-2025(1st thu) |
04-09-2025(1st thu) |
02-10-2025(1st thu) |
06-11-2025(1st thu) |
04-12-2025(1st thu) |
8 |
052 - Mt. Everest Lebong |
Kolkata |
29-01-2025(last wed)
26-02-2025(last wed)
26-03-2025(last wed) |
30-04-2025(last wed) |
25-06-2025(last wed) |
30-07-2025(last wed) |
27-08-2025(last wed) |
24-09-2025(last wed) |
26-11-2025(last wed) |
31-12-2025(last wed) |
9 |
053 - Ubique |
Kolkata |
05-01-2025(1st sun)
02-02-2025(1st sun)
02-03-2025(1st sun) |
06-04-2025(1st sun) |
04-05-2025(1st sun) |
01-06-2025(1st sun) |
06-07-2025(1st sun) |
03-08-2025(1st sun) |
07-09-2025(1st sun) |
05-10-2025(1st sun) |
02-11-2025(1st sun) |
07-12-2025(1st sun) |
10 |
061 - Shillong |
Shillong |
11-03-2025(10th day) |
17-04-2025(3rd thu) |
15-05-2025(3rd thu) |
19-06-2025(3rd thu) |
17-07-2025(3rd thu) |
21-08-2025(3rd thu) |
18-09-2025(3rd thu) |
16-10-2025(3rd thu) |
06-11-2025(1st thu) |
11 |
063 - Peace & Concord |
Kolkata |
04-02-2025(1st tue)
04-03-2025(1st tue) |
01-04-2025(1st tue) |
03-06-2025(1st tue) |
01-07-2025(1st tue) |
05-08-2025(1st tue) |
02-09-2025(1st tue) |
04-11-2025(1st tue) |
02-12-2025(1st tue) |
12 |
067 - Duke of Abercorn |
Kolkata |
25-01-2025(last sat)
29-03-2025(last sat) |
31-05-2025(last sat) |
26-07-2025(last sat) |
27-09-2025(last sat) |
29-11-2025(last sat) |
13 |
068 - H.M. Rustomji |
Kolkata |
04-01-2025(1st sat)
01-02-2025(1st sat)
05-04-2025(1st sat) |
03-05-2025(1st sat) |
07-06-2025(1st sat) |
05-07-2025(1st sat) |
02-08-2025(1st sat) |
06-09-2025(1st sat) |
01-11-2025(1st sat) |
06-12-2025(1st sat) |
14 |
071 - Good Fellowship |
Kolkata |
08-01-2025(2nd wed)
12-02-2025(2nd wed)
12-03-2025(2nd wed) |
09-04-2025(2nd wed) |
14-05-2025(2nd wed) |
09-07-2025(2nd wed) |
13-08-2025(2nd wed) |
10-09-2025(2nd wed) |
08-10-2025(2nd wed) |
12-11-2025(2nd wed) |
10-12-2025(2nd wed) |
15 |
072 - Sir Andrew Fraser |
Kolkata |
21-01-2025(3rd tue)
18-02-2025(3rd tue)
18-03-2025(3rd tue) |
17-06-2025(3rd tue) |
15-07-2025(3rd tue) |
19-08-2025(3rd tue) |
21-10-2025(3rd tue) |
16-12-2025(3rd tue) |
16 |
073 - Sai Awadh Pratapgarh |
Pratapgarh |
11-01-2025(2nd sat)
08-02-2025(2nd sat)
08-03-2025(2nd sat) |
12-04-2025(2nd sat) |
12-07-2025(2nd sat) |
09-08-2025(2nd sat) |
13-09-2025(2nd sat) |
11-10-2025(2nd sat) |
08-11-2025(2nd sat) |
13-12-2025(2nd sat) |
17 |
075 - St. Mary |
Kolkata |
07-01-2025(1st tue)
04-02-2025(1st tue)
04-03-2025(1st tue) |
01-04-2025(1st tue) |
06-05-2025(1st tue) |
03-06-2025(1st tue) |
01-07-2025(1st tue) |
05-08-2025(1st tue) |
02-09-2025(1st tue) |
04-11-2025(1st tue) |
02-12-2025(1st tue) |
18 |
076 - True Brotherhood |
Kolkata |
11-01-2025(2nd sat)
08-02-2025(2nd sat)
08-03-2025(2nd sat) |
12-04-2025(2nd sat) |
14-06-2025(2nd sat) |
12-07-2025(2nd sat) |
09-08-2025(2nd sat) |
13-09-2025(2nd sat) |
08-11-2025(2nd sat) |
13-12-2025(2nd sat) |
19 |
077 - Atal Sen |
Varanasi |
18-01-2025(3rd sat)
15-02-2025(3rd sat)
15-03-2025(3rd sat) |
18-10-2025(3rd sat) |
15-11-2025(3rd sat) |
20-12-2025(3rd sat) |
20 |
078 - Stanley |
Kolkata |
03-01-2025(1st fri)
07-02-2025(1st fri)
07-03-2025(1st fri) |
04-04-2025(1st fri) |
02-05-2025(1st fri) |
04-07-2025(1st fri) |
01-08-2025(1st fri) |
05-09-2025(1st fri) |
07-11-2025(1st fri) |
05-12-2025(1st fri) |
21 |
080 - Sunut |
Kolkata |
22-02-2025(4th sat)
26-04-2025(4th sat) |
28-06-2025(4th sat) |
23-08-2025(4th sat) |
25-10-2025(4th sat) |
27-12-2025(4th sat) |
22 |
095 - Dhanbad |
Dhanbad |
03-01-2025(1st fri)
07-02-2025(1st fri)
07-03-2025(1st fri) |
04-04-2025(1st fri) |
02-05-2025(1st fri) |
06-06-2025(1st fri) |
04-07-2025(1st fri) |
01-08-2025(1st fri) |
05-09-2025(1st fri) |
03-10-2025(1st fri) |
07-11-2025(1st fri) |
05-12-2025(1st fri) |
23 |
098 - Jagat Banerjee |
Kolkata |
17-01-2025(3rd fri)
21-02-2025(3rd fri)
21-03-2025(3rd fri) |
18-04-2025(3rd fri) |
16-05-2025(3rd fri) |
20-06-2025(3rd fri) |
18-07-2025(3rd fri) |
15-08-2025(3rd fri) |
19-09-2025(3rd fri) |
21-11-2025(3rd fri) |
19-12-2025(3rd fri) |
24 |
099 - Wallace |
Achhnera |
18-01-2025(3rd sat)
15-02-2025(3rd sat)
15-03-2025(3rd sat) |
19-04-2025(3rd sat) |
17-05-2025(3rd sat) |
21-06-2025(3rd sat) |
19-07-2025(3rd sat) |
16-08-2025(3rd sat) |
20-09-2025(3rd sat) |
18-10-2025(3rd sat) |
15-11-2025(3rd sat) |
20-12-2025(3rd sat) |
25 |
104 - Ranchi |
Ranchi |
01-01-2025(1st wed)
05-02-2025(1st wed)
05-03-2025(1st wed) |
02-04-2025(1st wed) |
02-07-2025(1st wed) |
06-08-2025(1st wed) |
03-09-2025(1st wed) |
01-10-2025(1st wed) |
05-11-2025(1st wed) |
02-12-2025(1st tue) |
26 |
105 - Patna |
Patna |
10-01-2025(2nd fri)
14-02-2025(2nd fri)
14-03-2025(2nd fri) |
11-04-2025(2nd fri) |
09-05-2025(2nd fri) |
13-06-2025(2nd fri) |
12-09-2025(2nd fri) |
14-11-2025(2nd fri) |
12-12-2025(2nd fri) |
27 |
115 - Tata |
Jamshedpur |
11-01-2025(2nd sat)
08-02-2025(2nd sat)
08-03-2025(2nd sat) |
12-04-2025(2nd sat) |
10-05-2025(2nd sat) |
14-06-2025(2nd sat) |
12-07-2025(2nd sat) |
09-08-2025(2nd sat) |
13-09-2025(2nd sat) |
11-10-2025(2nd sat) |
08-11-2025(2nd sat) |
13-12-2025(2nd sat) |
28 |
125 - Barr Pollock |
Kolkata |
28-01-2025(4th tue)
25-03-2025(4th tue) |
22-04-2025(4th tue) |
24-06-2025(4th tue) |
26-08-2025(4th tue) |
23-09-2025(4th tue) |
25-11-2025(4th tue) |
29 |
152 - Chartered Accountants |
Kolkata |
11-01-2025(2nd sat)
08-02-2025(2nd sat)
12-04-2025(2nd sat) |
14-06-2025(2nd sat) |
12-07-2025(2nd sat) |
09-08-2025(2nd sat) |
13-09-2025(2nd sat) |
08-11-2025(2nd sat) |
13-12-2025(2nd sat) |
30 |
157 - Gorakhpur |
Achalpur |
11-01-2025(2nd sat)
08-02-2025(2nd sat)
08-03-2025(2nd sat) |
12-04-2025(2nd sat) |
10-05-2025(2nd sat) |
14-06-2025(2nd sat) |
12-07-2025(2nd sat) |
09-08-2025(2nd sat) |
13-09-2025(2nd sat) |
11-10-2025(2nd sat) |
08-11-2025(2nd sat) |
13-12-2025(2nd sat) |
31 |
182 - Lions of E.I. |
Achalpur |
05-02-2025(1st wed)
02-04-2025(1st wed) |
04-06-2025(1st wed) |
06-08-2025(1st wed) |
05-11-2025(1st wed) |
03-12-2025(1st wed) |
32 |
184 - ShyamKinkor |
Kolkata |
04-01-2025(1st sat)
01-02-2025(1st sat)
01-03-2025(1st sat) |
05-04-2025(1st sat) |
07-06-2025(1st sat) |
05-07-2025(1st sat) |
02-08-2025(1st sat) |
06-09-2025(1st sat) |
01-11-2025(1st sat) |
06-12-2025(1st sat) |
33 |
191 - Sisir Ghosh |
Kolkata |
21-01-2025(3rd tue)
18-03-2025(3rd tue) |
20-05-2025(3rd tue) |
15-07-2025(3rd tue) |
16-09-2025(3rd tue) |
18-11-2025(3rd tue) |
34 |
193 - Utkal |
Brahmapur |
09-01-2025(2nd thu)
13-02-2025(2nd thu)
13-03-2025(2nd thu) |
10-04-2025(2nd thu) |
08-05-2025(2nd thu) |
12-06-2025(2nd thu) |
10-07-2025(2nd thu) |
14-08-2025(2nd thu) |
11-09-2025(2nd thu) |
09-10-2025(2nd thu) |
13-11-2025(2nd thu) |
11-12-2025(2nd thu) |
35 |
198 - Chetan Shahani |
Kolkata |
10-01-2025(2nd fri)
14-03-2025(2nd fri) |
09-05-2025(2nd fri) |
11-07-2025(2nd fri) |
12-09-2025(2nd fri) |
14-11-2025(2nd fri) |
36 |
214 - Pachauri |
Pratapgarh |
04-01-2025(1st sat)
01-02-2025(1st sat)
01-03-2025(1st sat) |
05-04-2025(1st sat) |
05-07-2025(1st sat) |
02-08-2025(1st sat) |
06-09-2025(1st sat) |
04-10-2025(1st sat) |
01-11-2025(1st sat) |
06-12-2025(1st sat) |
37 |
222 - Light of Zoroaster |
Jamshedpur |
22-02-2025(4th sat)
26-04-2025(4th sat) |
28-06-2025(4th sat) |
23-08-2025(4th sat) |
22-11-2025(4th sat) |
27-12-2025(4th sat) |
38 |
250 - Fragrance of Brotherly Love |
Varanasi |
11-01-2025(2nd sat)
08-02-2025(2nd sat)
08-03-2025(2nd sat) |
12-04-2025(2nd sat) |
10-05-2025(2nd sat) |
14-06-2025(2nd sat) |
12-07-2025(2nd sat) |
09-08-2025(2nd sat) |
13-09-2025(2nd sat) |
11-10-2025(2nd sat) |
08-11-2025(2nd sat) |
13-12-2025(2nd sat) |
39 |
251 - Asansol |
Asansol |
12-01-2025(2nd sun)
09-02-2025(2nd sun)
09-03-2025(2nd sun) |
13-04-2025(2nd sun) |
13-07-2025(2nd sun) |
10-08-2025(2nd sun) |
14-09-2025(2nd sun) |
09-11-2025(2nd sun) |
14-12-2025(2nd sun) |
40 |
270 - Buddha |
Varanasi |
03-01-2025(1st fri)
07-02-2025(1st fri)
07-03-2025(1st fri) |
04-04-2025(1st fri) |
02-05-2025(1st fri) |
06-06-2025(1st fri) |
04-07-2025(1st fri) |
01-08-2025(1st fri) |
05-09-2025(1st fri) |
03-10-2025(1st fri) |
07-11-2025(1st fri) |
05-12-2025(1st fri) |
41 |
286 - Gorakhnath Pat Masters |
Achalpur |
04-01-2025(1st sat)
05-04-2025(1st sat) |
05-07-2025(1st sat) |
04-10-2025(1st sat) |
42 |
302 - Kamrup |
Guwahati |
18-01-2025(3rd sat)
15-02-2025(3rd sat)
15-03-2025(3rd sat) |
19-04-2025(3rd sat) |
17-05-2025(3rd sat) |
21-06-2025(3rd sat) |
16-08-2025(3rd sat) |
20-09-2025(3rd sat) |
18-10-2025(3rd sat) |
15-11-2025(3rd sat) |
43 |
303 - Friendship on Tamsa |
Azamgarh |
04-01-2025(1st sat)
01-02-2025(1st sat)
01-03-2025(1st sat) |
05-04-2025(1st sat) |
05-07-2025(1st sat) |
02-08-2025(1st sat) |
06-09-2025(1st sat) |
04-10-2025(1st sat) |
01-11-2025(1st sat) |
06-12-2025(1st sat) |
44 |
307 - Lingaraj |
Bhubaneswar |
16-01-2025(3rd thu)
20-02-2025(3rd thu)
20-03-2025(3rd thu) |
17-04-2025(3rd thu) |
15-05-2025(3rd thu) |
19-06-2025(3rd thu) |
17-07-2025(3rd thu) |
21-08-2025(3rd thu) |
18-09-2025(3rd thu) |
16-10-2025(3rd thu) |
20-11-2025(3rd thu) |
18-12-2025(3rd thu) |
45 |
323 - Barabati |
Visakhapatnam |
02-01-2025(1st thu)
06-02-2025(1st thu)
06-03-2025(1st thu) |
03-04-2025(1st thu) |
01-05-2025(1st thu) |
05-06-2025(1st thu) |
03-07-2025(1st thu) |
07-08-2025(1st thu) |
04-09-2025(1st thu) |
02-10-2025(1st thu) |
06-11-2025(1st thu) |
04-12-2025(1st thu) |
46 |
344 - Bhola |
Pratapgarh |
11-01-2025(2nd sat)
08-02-2025(2nd sat)
08-03-2025(2nd sat) |
12-04-2025(2nd sat) |
10-05-2025(2nd sat) |
14-06-2025(2nd sat) |
12-07-2025(2nd sat) |
09-08-2025(2nd sat) |
13-09-2025(2nd sat) |
11-10-2025(2nd sat) |
08-11-2025(2nd sat) |
13-12-2025(2nd sat) |
47 |
345 - Poorvanchal |
Achalpur |
13-04-2025(2nd sun) |
14-09-2025(2nd sun) |
14-12-2025(2nd sun) |
48 |
346 - Somesh Sengupta |
Kolkata |
06-03-2025(1st Thu) |
01-05-2025(1st Thu) |
07-08-2025(1st Thu) |
06-11-2025(1st Thu) |
49 |
347 - Sant Kabir |
Gorakhpur |
19-01-2025(3rd sun)
20-04-2025(3rd sun) |
15-06-2025(3rd sun) |
20-07-2025(3rd sun) |
21-09-2025(3rd sun) |
21-12-2025(3rd sun) |
50 |
348 - Nagendra |
Gorakhpur |
25-01-2025(last sat)
22-02-2025(last sat)
26-04-2025(last sat) |
26-07-2025(last sat) |
27-09-2025(last sat) |
29-11-2025(last sat) |
51 |
349 - Calcutta |
Kolkata |
14-01-2025(2nd tue)
11-03-2025(2nd tue) |
13-05-2025(2nd tue) |
08-07-2025(2nd tue) |
09-09-2025(2nd tue) |
11-11-2025(2nd tue) |
52 |
350 - Professional |
Kolkata |
14-02-2025(2nd fri)
09-05-2025(2nd fri) |
08-08-2025(2nd fri) |
14-11-2025(2nd fri) |
53 |
353 - Jorhaut |
Jorhat |
05-06-2025(1st thu) |
03-08-2025(1st sun) |
04-09-2025(1st thu) |
06-11-2025(1st thu) |
54 |
354 - Light in the Barak |
Shillong |
03-04-2025(1st thu) |
03-07-2025(1st thu) |
02-10-2025(1st thu) |
55 |
355 - Rapti |
Gorakhpur |
26-01-2025(4th sun)
23-02-2025(4th sun)
23-03-2025(4th sun) |
28-09-2025(4th sun) |
26-10-2025(4th sun) |
23-11-2025(4th sun) |
28-12-2025(4th sun) |
56 |
378 - Pratap Chunder |
Kolkata |
27-02-2025(last thu)
24-04-2025(last thu) |
26-06-2025(last thu) |
28-08-2025(last thu) |
57 |
393 - Gomti Awadh Sultanpur |
Sultanpur |
18-01-2025(3rd sat)
15-02-2025(3rd sat)
15-03-2025(3rd sat) |
19-04-2025(3rd sat) |
17-05-2025(3rd sat) |
21-06-2025(3rd sat) |
19-07-2025(3rd sat) |
16-08-2025(3rd sat) |
20-09-2025(3rd sat) |
18-10-2025(3rd sat) |
15-11-2025(3rd sat) |
20-12-2025(3rd sat) |
58 |
399 - Capital |
Gorakhpur |
02-02-2025(1st sun)
06-04-2025(1st sun) |
01-06-2025(1st sun) |
03-08-2025(1st sun) |
05-10-2025(1st sun) |
07-12-2025(1st sun) |
59 |
402 - Sukumar De P.M.Lodge of Bengal |
Kolkata |
06-03-2025(1st thu) |
05-06-2025(1st thu) |
04-09-2025(1st thu) |
04-12-2025(1st thu) |
60 |
403 - Nagaland |
Dimapur |
11-01-2025(2nd sat)
08-03-2025(2nd sat) |
12-04-2025(2nd sat) |
11-10-2025(2nd sat) |
08-11-2025(2nd sat) |
61 |
419 - Veer Savarkar |
Port Blair |
04-01-2025(1st sat)
05-04-2025(1st sat) |
05-07-2025(1st sat) |
04-10-2025(1st sat) |
62 |
433 - Aranyamithra |
Kolkata |
25-01-2025(4th sat)
26-07-2025(4th sat) |
25-10-2025(4th sat) |
63 |
456 - Brahampur |
Brahmapur |
12-01-2025(2nd sun)
13-04-2025(2nd sun) |
13-07-2025(2nd sun) |
12-10-2025(2nd sun) |
64 |
464 - Majestic Buddha |
Gorakhpur |
26-01-2025(4th sun)
23-03-2025(4th sun) |
27-07-2025(4th sun) |
28-09-2025(4th sun) |
23-11-2025(4th sun) |
28-12-2025(4th sun) |